Reflecting on My Commercial

Hey Michi nation, welcome back to your favorite blog! Todays blog will consist of me reflecting on my first project; the commercial about myself. During this project I learned how to use the editing app Cap Cut. This is one of the few apps you can use to edit videos together, while adding audio and transitions. I had always heard about Cap Cut and seen other using it to create videos. But I never had my own first hand experience using it. I learned how to add different transitions between pictures and videos to give the final result a better look. From this experience I also learned how to extract audio from a video to add it on to my own. I simply picked a video from my camera roll with the audio I wanted incorporated into my commercial. Then it transferred the audio on to the new video I was creating. I found that super interesting because I had never even thought about doing that. During the process of creating my commercial I quickly learned that you need to be organized in or...